
March 22

We had a nice short drive up yesterday morning, almost decided to stay at Moore but so pleased we decided to back track a bit and head up here instead. Only a short drive here off the main road up to The Railway Reserve here, complete with old carriages a very pretty quiet place to stop over. A few houses, general store and pub across the road (and quarry).  We were the first to arrive and set up, but by tea time we were 1 of 7, but room for a few more. Signed the visitors book outside the old station building, with about half a dozen different wagons on rails to look at. Although we couldn’t climb inside.


Not surprised it is so popular and have had a nice day taking the dogs for a walk up where the old track line used to be. Linville is one stop on a walking/riding track through the area. I saw a few hikers head off up the track for the day, and even though it was rough grass a couple went up on bicycles. We didn’t venture that far! The dogs were more excited by barking at the other dogs. A camper arrived with a daft bald crested dog which raced round loose teasing them mercilessly, although a black border collie upset Tess most, most embarrassing!

By Frances.

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