May 25, 2021 Onwards

May 25: Leaving Boulia and heading north to Mt Isa and then West on the Barkly Highway we stooped briefly in Mt Isa only to do grocery shopping and lunch at Maccas (shame!) and then stopped for the night at the WW2 Rest Area about 50km to the West.

WW2 Memorial Rest Area

May 26-27: A simple 150km run from the last rest Area got us to Camooweal Lagoon, a very popular free camp where we have stopped twice before; we took a second night here but it became too windy to comfortably sit outside so we move on to another rest Area at Frewena Bore, around 300km further West towards the three Ways intersection of t4h Barkly and Stuart highways, Camooweal and then a pic here of sunset at the bore