September 19, 2024

As our last day of 5 here in Mullewa, and the daily temperatures hitting 30 or more, we decided on an early start at 8 am for a 7km walk combining the Mullewa Bushland Trail and Railway Heritage Loop, including walking to and from the Caravan park taking our “walking snack” of a muesli bar and biscuit pack each as well as our water flasks on our belts.

We had breakfast at the town lookout after the first 1 and a half hours and after another hour or more an early lunch of coffee and muffins at the Helen Ansell Gallery (see next post) but not before being invited into the old Railway Station and chatting to these lovely ladies from the local Arts and Craft group.

Ladies of the Mullewa Arts and Craft group

Our walking route here goes basically anti-clockwise around both loops, click the map for the photo gallery:

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