July 15-23, 2024
So here we are in Augusta at the South Western “corner” of the continent where the coastline rounds Cape Leeuwin. Gorgeous weather for Winter as we arrived at Monday lunchtime with 17 degrees and no chilling wind. The caravan park here at Turner is council-owned and operated with almost 200 sites at its Summer capacity with about a third closed off for the Winter season. A second Council Park, at Flinders Bay a couple of km South closes completely for the 3 months of June to August and offers another 100+ sites. Currently there are a maximum of around a dozen vans scattered around so very peaceful.
An access path takes you straight out of the corner of the park to the shoreline of Hardy Inlet, the Estuary of the Blackwood River and Scott River. Dolphins frequent the inlet but we have yet to see any; off shore it is currently Whale Watch season and so far we have sighted only a few plumes near the Whale Watch boat out near the horizon.