Babinda Boulders017 1.32 PM20 Oct 17Babinda Boulders017 1.32 PM20 Oct 17


Oct 18-21

Babinda002 -10.14 AM19-Oct-17

Babinda – the wettest town in Australia – and it’s raining!  We spent three days here at the free campground and didn’t see any blue sky but the upside was it was still 30 degrees every day and about 21 overnight – typical wet tropics weather!

Babinda003 -10.15 AM19-Oct-17

Babinda005 -10.19 AM19-Oct-17

The town of Babinda, being only 30km from Innisfail, has only a small (but good) SPAR supermarket and a basic range of small shops.  The Hotel (Pictured) is the only Hotel in Queensland (and possibly Australia?) built and owned at the time by the Government.  It was built to counter the sly grogging going on and in it’s day was the only Government enterprise to turn a profit – says it all I suppose!

Babinda009 -10.43 AM19-Oct-17

Babinda010 -10.43 AM19-Oct-17

Babinda Boulders019 -1.32 PM20-Oct-17

Babinda Boulders009 -1.25 PM20-Oct-17

Babinda Boulders: The well known tourist attraction was flowing extremely well on our visit after we had over 180mm of rain just in the overnight period, somewhere around 230mm for the 24 hours.  The light rain still falling meant the use of at least shower jackets and hats/hoods but was not a problem at all.

These little creatures were flitting around the van windows and took a particular liking to the motorhome next to us.

On our van they would hop,inside the open window itself and cling to the flyscreen but always too fast to get any video


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