July 20-21, 2018
Having driven over to Beechworth the day before, we decided we needed to look around a bit more, and so took the van over for a couple of days before heading back towards Wodonga.
Beechworth is another town in this region which owes it’s existence at the beginning to the Gold discoveries; once again the town has many Heritage listed buildings and the main street looks much the same today as in photos from a century ago as no modern building has been allowed in the main areas. The IGA supermarket is tucked away behind the old shops and has a very plain back wall onto the street behind.
The Northern end of town is the “Historic Precinct” and includes buildings one of which now which now houses the Ned Kelly Collection; the Old Telegraph Station (with Railway Memorabilia as well); the Courthouse, and Police Collection. The old Police Stables are still there at the rear including the outdoor dunny!
The following gallery of images shows many of the historic shops and others which are so well restored and preserved.