Gorge Drive Beechworth053 1.09 PM21 Jul 18Gorge Drive Beechworth053 1.09 PM21 Jul 18


July 21, 2018

Beechworth Gorge Drive runs through the Beechworth Historic Park, mostly along the path of Spring Creek going upstream as a one way road.

The first part takes you around the crest of the ridge to the North of town and then descends via the Powder Magazine to the gorge itself.

The following images tell the story of the journey (about 5km in total).

Lookout to the West from Gorge Drive
Lookout to the West from Gorge Drive
Lookout to Beechworth from Gorge Drive
Lookout to Beechworth from Gorge Drive

Above: The Powder Magazine where all the mining explosives were stored; note the elaborate lightning conductor system on the roof line

Old cottage at the Powder Magazine site

The Gorge Bridge

“The Cascades” leading down to the Gorge Bridge

Newtown Bridge at the Beechworth town end of the Gorge Drive; at right is the Mining Race dug through for 400m to sluice the Gold from Spring Creek


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