Benalla018 12.47 PM10 Aug 18Benalla018 12.47 PM10 Aug 18


August 2018

In the last few years Benalla has become a centre for Street Art with an annual “Wall To Wall” festival held every March/April since 2015.  As you stroll along the main street you are met with these remarkable works on what seems like each wall of opportunity.  The picture above is facing the Hotel carpark and there is a further mural behind the bottle Shop (right).

Benalla019 -12.47 PM10-Aug-18

Further along is an open outdoor dining area used at specific times and the centre of the festival when it is running.  Here are three works on one wall, highly visible from both sides of the street.

Benalla025 -1.20 PM10-Aug-18

As ou move further along the next work is  a complete wall in itself, and across the road a large mural dominates the front yard of the CWA Hall

There are still many other works we did not get to see on this walk around and no doubt there will be more when we next visit Benalla. The other artistic work is a large mosaic structure by the Lake, and several Silos to the North of the City, all painted in early 2018… see the next two posts…


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