Well it has almost stopped raining. We seem to have coped fairly well with the wet. The ground is very wet and it has only run under the front bit of the annex so have kept mostly dry and we are pleased we have coped well. Yesterday we watched them set up for the cattle auction in the pouring rain, all the trucks off loading the cattle into the stalls and the men absolutely drenched, although some could have put something more waterproof on! One of the larger beasts got it’s leg stuck on the top bar of one of the gates and twisted it nastily and dropped to the ground, a lot of swearing and anxious running around until it managed to stand and limp off. However today it not raining enough to be a good day for their cattle auction. We are off to have lunch out, with Laurie and Carmel in Yarraman (we have enjoyed their company and they certainly have been very kind to us) before we head off tomorrow. Thank goodness it looks like we will be able to pack up in the dry!