Bluff Rock Rest Area.008 15h25m08s2019 01 29Bluff Rock Rest Area.008 15h25m08s2019 01 29


Above: Bluff Rock

January 29, 2019

Ipswich Showgrounds Caravan Park Area
Ipswich Showgrounds Caravan Park Area

Leaving Ipswich Showgrounds at about 10.30 we headed straight down the New England Highway and stopped briefly for a lunchtime snack at Warwick.  From here we continued into NSW at Wallangara and through Tenterfield to the Bluff Rock Rest Area, about another 10km South down the Highway.

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Even the smallest of stopping places has it’s own story; here is a small display shelter with some history of the area and a collection of old photographs and newspaper articles.  In the grassed area is also a plaque telling the story of a supposed “Massacre” following the murder of a shepherd in 1844 (if you zoom in on the photo you can read the whole story).

A toilet and two picnic shelters complete the area, one of the shelters faces directly towards Bluff Rock itself.

Bluff Rock Rest Area.005 -15h22m50s2019-01-29


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