February 1, 2024
From Lake Douglas we returned into Kalgoorlie for 3 days to the RV Stop free camp as our Landcruiser was booked in for a cooling system check with an increasing overheating problem. That turned out to be a partially (30%) blocked radiator so new radiator fitted and problem gone.
After 3 days in Kal we topped up on supplies and fuel and finally headed off back into the great Western Woodlands to Burra Rock which is around 45km South of Coolgardie. The reserve has a central but small camping area close to the rock with a toilet and tables.
At the parking area where the access to the base of the rock is there is a display of a few old farming items from the days when the area was farmed from the 60s to early 80s.

The rock is an easy climb and offers 360 degree views from the summit; a surprise was a lake at the base with quite a large amount of water. Wildlife on all these rocks includes various types of Dragon seen scurrying off in front of you, most not letting you get within 3 or 4 metres.