August 20-27, 2021
Returning towards Darwin we decided to have a quiet week between the Stuart Highway and the Western coastal settlement of Dundee Beach. Tis area, West of Berry SPrings is Bynoe and is very much in Mango farming territory. Pictured here is the farm opposite the caravan park where harvest was just getting started
Our choice of a place to stay was 2 Jays, a private property park owned by John and Julie who built the nearby roadhouse caravan park many years prior and were running cattle on this property. Here now they have a collection of animals for the visitors as much as anything with many goats and few horses alongside the camping area all day long.
A short drive from the front gate is a boatramp onto the Finniss River
During our stay we had the first rain we have seen since Queensland back early in the year, a sudden storm from the North West which is apparently very unusual