Carcoar Dam024 12.55 PM20 Mar 18Carcoar Dam024 12.55 PM20 Mar 18

March 19-22, 2018

After spending the weekend at Glen Davis we continued South Westerly, picked up shopping and lunch in Bathurst and down to Carcoar Dam which is only about 50km from Bathurst.  This is a free campground provided by New South Wales Water and has toilets, cold showers and some drinking water available from tanks.

Carcoar Dam025 -12.56 PM20-Mar-18

We found ourselves a spot near the waters edge (as the upper part was fairly crowded) and close enough to put the kayak in the water. We did get out on the water our second day (Tuesday) but after that the strong Northerly wind came up and it was impossible to even sit outside.

Carcoar Dam026 -1.03 PM20-Mar-18

The lake created by Carcoar Dam covers about 5 square kilometres and is long and narrow, built basically for irrigation rather than water supply and completed in 1970.

Carcoar Pan1

The road passing the campground continues over the dam wall and round past the wind farm.  From this area you get a good view back towards the campground and the lake.

Carcoar Pan2

We had to roll in the awning on Wednesday as the wind was so strong and we were facing North.  We therefore decided on Thursday that we would move on to escape such an exposed position.

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Carcoar Dam on Full Range Camping – Click Here

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