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November 11, 2018

Above: Dumaresq River looking upstream.

Leaving Cranky Rock we headed another 100+km Northwards on our way back to Brisbane, stopping for the second time this year at Texas on the river bank camping area.  The river had apparently been almost dry a couple of weeks ago but is now flowing strongly again after the recent rain fronts. Here looking downstream under the “new” bridge.

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We stayed in the front part of the area this time with a slight view down to the river and along the top of the banking.  Being Spring the Prickly Pear are in full flower; there is no wonder that these things spread like wildfire some years ago and became a real weed problem.  With this many flowers and plants that can grow to this size the amount of seeds must be enormous.

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The honeyeaters love them, as well as the bees (above)

There is other bird life here as well, including Babblers, Ibis, and Miners; as well as the usual Magpies, Peewees, Willy Wagtails, Crows and Choughs, Apostle Birds, and the inevitable Kookaburra.

One visitor we did have was the Lone Guinea Fowl who was here on our last visit and came charging over to check us out, presumably as a food source!  We also had a passing small herd of cattle from the neighbour which had to be rounded up before they got to the highway at the front.

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