October 9, 2019 on
Moving closer to Hobart we had arranged for a few items to be mailed to the Sorell Post Office and so our first stop was at a Private Property which offers camping just 6km North of Sorell. Ken and Wendy Sulman are caravanners themselves and first made this available a couple of years ago. Now that Ken has retired he is doing more work to make it more accessible and while we were there took out a couple of trees to allow better access to the area they are setting aside.
Meanwhile we camped at the other side of the house, surrounded by Ken’s (and apparently other people’s) various “items”!

Sorell gave us the opportunity to collect some mail and catch up on Laundry, lpg, fuel and food!
After 4 days over the weekend we moved on to Primrose Sands and the local RSL who offer camping in their adjacent grassed area.

The RSL is right at the edge of town and a ten minute walk to the beach. A walk of a bit over an hour took us along the beach and back via the streets. This is very much a “weekender” community with the majority of the houses being holiday shacks of varying age and construction, very Tasmanian! The beach produced a few gulls chasing the tiny blue mud crabs and the streets gave a very colourful display of Gazanias and pigface.
After a few days here we were considering a move to South Arm but ended up at Sorell and the RV Stop, again looking for our two mailed items. As the RV park here is $7.50/night, or $5 for 5 nights or more we eventually decided to stay for 5 and to be heading off on the Tuesday for the Tasman Peninsula.