August 18-28 (In two visits!)
Having left Elmore to head North into NSW we opted for a riverside campground on the Edward River a few kms out of Mathoura (between Echuca and Deniliquin). As previously mentioned we then had a call back from Neville in Bendigo and returned for a brief visit. After this we decided to return here as the weather was considerably better than the weekend before and stayed that was for a second four day stay.
This campground offers several separate areas cleared for camping,, some on the river bank (as in our first visit), a couple more in the bush and on our second visit one at the junction of the Little Edward which has a “Restrictor” to reduce water flow at higher river levels. There is a near new drop toilet fairly close to both our camp spots and rubbish bins at the entrance. Mathoura is only 7kms away if you need supplies but we were stocked up and didn’t need to leave camp during either visit.

We were surprised on our first visit by a small flock of Superb Wrens deciding to check out the inside of our van for any potential food obviously! They came back about three times and were totally unconcerned about us standing there filming them; on our second visit they were still around and came close but not quite as adventurous!
Other than the wrens there were Kookaburras around but unseen, a few screeching cockies, a couple of ducks and on one of our strolls we disturbed a couple of fairly large ‘roos which bounded off into the bush. All in all a very peaceful spot even if our last night there was a rather chilly 0.4 degrees – needless to say the diesel heater was running all night!