July 21-29
Just before Milton and Sue came back their opposite neighbour came over to see if we could look after their animals while they go to Bali for a week. This turned out to be 2 Horses, dog and cat including controlling the old horses coat on and off for cold nights (or days!).
In the end it was going to be easier to live in their house, which was offered anyway. So Dean and Sharon left early on July21 after Milton and Sue had come home on July 19; we left the caravan at Milton’s and took our basics “up the hill”. It was in walking distance so we just went up and down for extra stuff and to say hello.
The week went very quickly and it was a change not to sleep in the caravan although Tess seemed a bit confused by the experience.
The horses are Max who is 24 and an ex Sydney Centennial Park Riding School horse. Sharon’s oldest daughter (23) learned to ride on him when she was young so when he was to be retired they gave him a home; the other is a Shetland called Coco.
The dog is Little Bear, a Maltese/Pomeranian cross, very like our old Lolli, and Tess soon settled in to having a doggie friend her own size, unlike Howie down the hill!
The cat is just “cat” as she was a stray or abandoned and only sort of tolerates the dog (and vice versa) but both were quite happy to sit on my lap.

The property is over 100 acres like Milton’s but hasn’t been occupied regularly for years until Dean bought it; they have about 15 cattle but a neighbour agists about 30 on over half the paddocks.
The property goes all the way to the top of the ridge and you can see down into the Wallamba valley on the other side, as well as getting great views on this side.
So after a week Milton and Sue left to go back North on the morning of Friday 29th and Dean and Sharon got home about midday. We are now back down the hill in the caravan and the house for about another 3+ weeks until Milton and Sue get back again about August 21 for about 8-10 days and then they go back for the final time to bring the boat back down the coast.
Frances is booked to go and visit Margaret in England on October 3rd so we expect to move up to Brisbane end of September.
…more soon…