May 18
We came here from Tin Can Bay and leave tomorrow after 4 nights of self sufficiency but there are Hybrid Toilets here. This is a Forestry campground like Inskip, $11.20 a night by online permit, very easy to organise. In Queensland the campgrounds which are in National Parks don’t allow dogs but the Forest ones mostly do, of which there are quite a few. This is a great peaceful spot, about 6km of gravel road to get in here (our first foray onto gravel with the caravan which was no problem, only the bathroom cupboard sprung open on the way in, temporarily to be fixed going out with a bit of Gaffer tape).
After Inskip we have improved our water useage (or lack of) and are going out after 4 nights with almost half full tanks. There is treated creek water available here and we used this for clothes washing although it seems quite OK for everything. On the way here we bought a 300watt inverter from Supercheap in Gympie (only $69) and can now run the washing machine from our battery system. The additional solar panels are now wired to connect to our on board controller via a coded Anderson Plug (Red) so nothing else can plug in here. This is much better and lets us monitor the battery system all the time. At peak sunlight we are putting up to 9.5 amps in and are able to get back to full capacity before lunch on a sunny day and during the afternoon when cloudy. We can run as many lights as we like plus TV and sound system in the evening with bo problems, don’t even get near minimum voltage by morning.
Mornings are a bit cooler early and we are using our Diesel heater for an hour or so, usually hop out of bed about 6.30 (Frances 🙁 not me 🙂 ) to turn it on; even then it has still been warm enough by 8.30 or so to have breakfast outside. Tin Can Bay was much the same with the A/C on heat every morning. Days are still around 25-26 and still shorts weather for a while each day.
This area is on the edge of the Brooyar State Forest and inlcudes some apparently well known rock climbing/abseiling areas at Point Pure and Eagle Nest lookouts (see photos for more).

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Glastonbury Creek