June 9, 2020
Finally being freed from Covid19 lockdown on June 1 we picked a sunny forecast day after waiting for the area to be open and our first real “outing” in 3 months and drove down to Green Cape. Prior to the long weekend the whole Ben Boyd National park was closed following the January bushfires and only Green Cape Road is open currently.
On the way in we turned down the side track to Disaster Bay with it’s great views of the coastline to the South past the Womboyn River estuary and lake Womboyn.

Next side stop on the way in was City Rock, a large flat area of rock shelf which we were seeing at low tide. We were surprised by finding three fur seals floating in the surf just off the rocks and balancing themselves by holding one flipper in the air.

Next stop Green Cape itself and the Lighthouse. Two of the cottages here are available as tourist accommodation through National Parks.
On the way back from the Lighthouse we detoured to the Northern side of the Cape to Pulpit Rock, obviously a popular fishing spot as well as a spectacular cliff and vantage point.