Lake Dobson.006 14h43m40s2020 01 22Lake Dobson.006 14h43m40s2020 01 22

January 24, 2019

Lake Dobson is as far as the road takes you from the Mt Field Campground when the section to the ski fields is closed off. A distance of 16km the first 14km are all uphill, rising from 160m at the campground to over 1000m at the crest of Wombat Moor (see next blog post).

Along the way, there are a couple of lookouts, notably this one at about 5km up which looks back across the valleys of the Gordon River Road and the Tyenna River.
From the car park at Lake Dobson there is a walking track around the lake which offers glimpses of the odd “Ski Lodge” tucked away in the trees and an unexpected large grove of Pandanus, more commonly found in tropical forest. From the final section you also get a view of the “Government Cottages” which are available in the ski season, the ski field here being Mt Mawson which rears above the Lake to the West.

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