April 15-18, 2024
Top: The Mosaic Garden Gallery at the Lake Grace Health Centre
Lake Grace, another 70km from Kulin and the town Caravan Park; this was a Council park but is now privately owned with several permanent residents and several tourist sites, we opted for a shady spot under the trees rather than the open and gravel area at the back.
On the way to Lake Grace you pass by an unnamed Salt Lake with a lookout at the roadside:

We took a walk around town passing the grain silos and seeing a loaded train exiting town for the Port of Albany via Wagin. The current wheatbelt railway lines are linked to the extensive network of CBH grain recieval points that are serviced by CBH Group as part of the co-operative bulk handling business. CBH has invested in its own grain haulage rolling stock and locomotives. In 2012 it took delivery of the CBH class locomotives seen here.
There are several information plaques along the main road marking significant buildings in the past and a Mural commemorating the Pioneer Women of the district .

On the outskirts of town is the Medical Centre and the original Australian Inland Mission building which is now a Hospital Museum. A pathway leads from a small parking area alongside the main road (Stubbs Street), and is known as the Penny Pathway, commemorating the line of pennies first used to raise funds as seen on one fo the many plaques along the path.

The end of the Penny Pathway leads you onto another path with inlaid Mosaics taking you to the Mosaic Garden; there are a total of 365 mosaics made by and remembering local families, places and events:

Leaving the town of Lake Grace and heading towards Dumbleyung you cross the causeway between Lake Grace and Lake Grace North and can divert onto a section of the old road to get to the Lookout :