April 8-16, 2019
As Frances was flying out of Launceston Monday, April 8, we moved back to Old Macs Farm at Launceston and got everything organised before going to the airport for a 5pm departure. Following that Keith stayed at Old Macs until Saturday un order to get a few things done.
One of these was buying new tyres for the Landcruiser and ending up with a good deal at Bob Jane for the BF Goodrich All Terrain; should be the last tyre buy for a good while!
At Old Macs the Native Hens had some late season chicks which were running around everywhere (above and right).
Also while here got an oil change done on the Landcruiser and picked up a couple of items for the van.
Then on the way to visit our house sit near Pynegana dropped off at the RV Camp at Scottsdale for the night; some space when I arrived but absolutely full by evening; shows how many RVs are still travelling around Tassie as the cooler weather approaches.
Sunday – arrived at the house sit property (between Pyengana and St Helens) and stayed two nights; great owner here, Gregor, who is going to his property on Cape York for four months (near Lockhart River).