November 13-16, 2018
Leyburn Free Camp Area is a place we have stayed at twice before and for the first time there was nobody else here when we arrived. The old Recreation Ground it runs alongside Canal Creek, and is just over the bridge from the Store (Above). The creek is not running but has some water and there is a mixture of bird life around but not much in the way of water birds.

Sitting under our awning we noticed the bushes moving in front of us (on the creek bank) about 6 or 7 metres away and it turned out to be this “lady” eating from the nice fresh leaves:

She soon spotted me and moved away, only to watch me from the bushes as I tried to go around the other side, soon bounding off under the bridge.
There were several species of birds around us, this morning a couple of Straw Necked Ibis grazing and a small flock of Corellas moving around the place and a Magpie watching on.

There are also Friar Birds here, Cockatoos, and a surprise was to see a Silvereye, which we had seen for the first time at Bingara; a lovely small bird with very distinct colouring.
NEXT: We are heading in to Ispwich from here and after the weekend to Laura’s at Deception Bay. The plan is to change over our caravan for an Offroad model, together with house sitting for Zoe at Moggill from mid December to mid January while they go to NZ.
Our next post will probably be news of our new van – Watch This Space!