August 9, 2018
Mount Major is the highest point for many kms around this area and as can be seen above is the home of all the district communication and broadcast towers and masts, there are 12 in the above image including the one we are standing next to. The land around is part of Dookie College, the Agricultural Campus of the University of Melbourne.

Walking access is freely given and you can arrange for gate access if necessary (Groups, Disabled etc.) but today we walked! It is a bit over 2km to the summit and the first TV Tower where we stopped and about another km to the farthest point for the more fit! The views from here are spectacular and on a clear day you can get a much better view of the Alps to the East than this rather hazy picture (right).
Looking at more of a panoramic view slightly more to the North is the view across Dookie College and the farming country which forms the Campus (below)

Mount Major is also the home of one of Victoria’s most comprehensive Mountain Bike Parks and the map here shows all the various trails and the pictures below a couple of examples

The walk up is relatively easy but there are some steeper sections but a sitting platform at the top rewards you with a restful view.

At the top we found a few Robins and on the way down sheep grazing on some food dropped onto the roadway by the College; they were disturbed by our presence but only walked off a short distance to watch us pass by.