February 15, 2025
Above: South Perth from the walking path
As we prepare to leave Perth, for some months this time, this is the first part of a catch-up on our Summer so far.
Returning from our family visit to Brisbane we had already booked 6 weeks in the Crystal Brook Caravan Park and that is now coming to an end on Monday. As usual we didn’t get to a few things we intended to do but with a few maintenance tasks to do to the van and service the Landcruiser we haven’t done much other than a few regular walks and, of course, Saturday Parkun. With several periods of very high (40+) days, more than average for Perth, we were rather slowed down on occasions.
A couple of tasks on the van were first to fit a roller blind to our door – a Spotlight $10 special cut to size and a perfect fit; it can be used halfway to suit the window or full drop for the screen door alone.
The second task was to fit a ventilation fan to the toilet end of the ensuite. Having solar panels above prevents the use of a ceiling vent and this fan came to light on Amazon at $22; a bit of self-adhesive ducting and a switch from Bunnings was all that was needed; 12 volt power from the existing power feed to the composting toilet fan.
Our walking activities took us to some new locations as well as the local walks across the road, we also explored walks around the local roads here with 2 possible loops, each of 4+km
Other walks took in various locations we hadn’t yet explored and there are image galleries for each of these: Click on each for the gallery:
…next .. a Parkrun Summer ….