October 9-13, 2015
This is one of 4 free camping areas on the banks of the Dumaresq and Macintyre Rivers to the East of Goondiwindi and provided by the local council. There is nothing here but they do keep some sections of grass mowed and have dirt boat ramps. Each one is not very far from the road and right up to the river bank.
This one, Rainbow Reserve is actually not on the main branch of the Macintyre but on an old “Anabranch” which is mostly a lagoon connected to the river at only the Western end but used as a source of irrigation water for the neighouring farms. This is also the closest to Goondiwindi, about 17km, and thereby has both mobile phone and full TV coverage (essential as this is the Bathurst 1000 motor racing weekend! (Much to Frances’ dismay!)

Weather is dry and warm but the flies are really bad, Frances is wearing the personal mossie net under her hat which Renee bought her in Alice I tried the TV outside but the combination of flies and screen glare (really bright here) drove me back inside.
Lots of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos round here, as well as Spoonbills and other water birds. The cockies are constantly noisy as they seem to insist on calling each other from side to side of the river!
The four days here went quickly and it was time to move through Goondiwindi for the usual toilet empty, water fill, and shopping; this time Frances also did Laundry while I shopped at Coles.
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Rainbow Reserve