From Stanley we travelled just a short distance into Smithton, the main town in this region, to do shopping and drive the top “loop” of the Tarkine Drive. The lower (Western) part we will do later when visiting Arthur River. At Smithton we stayed at the Tall Timbers Resort who offer free camping for three days in the grassed area of the gardens at the front of the premises.
Tall Timbers Smithton.019 15h16m14s2019 03 21
Tall Timbers Smithton.031 15h18m33s2019 03 21
Tall Timbers Smithton.032 15h19m39s2019 03 21
Lots of space here at this time of year but obviously very busy in peak season, nice flat grass with a creek running through and a small flock of seven very friendly mixed/cross breed ducks.
The Tarkine Drive:
The Tarkine Drive takes in a journey from Arthur River to Smithton via multiple natural features and lookouts; this time we took in the Smithton “end” which was a 160km round trip as per the map going clockwise around the loop.The images below are in order commencing at “Gun Road” on the map which is the approximate location of the Trowutta Arch.
Trowutta Arch: A very different forest to the one at Philosopher Falls
Tayatea Bridge over the Arthur River:
The Tarkine Drive Tayatea Bridge.003 10h55m20s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Tayatea Bridge.002 10h54m59s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Tayatea Bridge.001 10h54m21s2019 03 22
The Milkshake Hills Reserve: (Damage from Bushfire in 2016)
The Tarkine Drive Sinkhole.007 11h58m53s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Sinkhole.001 11h55m50s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Sinkhole.006 11h57m22s2019 03 22
Rapid River:
The Tarkine Drive Rapid River.001 12h11m15s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Rapid River.006 12h14m51s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Rapid River.002 12h11m45s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Rapid River.005 12h13m37s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Rapid River.004 12h12m56s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Rapid River.003 12h12m14s2019 03 22
Dempster Plains: Large areas of Button Grass
Lake Chisholm: A Large Sinkhole
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.023 13h33m17s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.002cr 13h03m33s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.005 13h09m18s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.003 13h05m04s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.020 13h24m18s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.022 13h27m45s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.014 13h20m16s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.016 13h21m37s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Lake Chisholm.018 13h21m56s2019 03 22
Sumac Lookout: The Arthur River Valley
The Tarkine Drive Sumac Lookout.002 14h07m17s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Sumac Lookout.003 14h12m36s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Sumac Lookout.006 14h13m39s2019 03 22
Kanunnah Bridge (the end of the loop):
The Tarkine Drive Kanunnah Bridge.001 14h19m02s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Kanunnah Bridge.002 14h19m36s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Kanunnah Bridge.003 14h19m46s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Kanunnah Bridge.005 14h22m40s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Kanunnah Bridge.008 14h24m06s2019 03 22
The Tarkine Drive Kanunnah Bridge.009 14h24m52s2019 03 22