Above: Scamander and St Patricks Head, St Marys Pass to the right, from Loila Tier Road;
July 30, 2019
Heading South from St Helens you can detour via the Forestry roads along Loila Tier and the gravel roads reward you with views like this and above; the road continues to the Scamander River or you can descend back to the Highway and emerge in Beaumaris which is directly below this view.

On our trip to St Marys we detoured first to take a look at the “Gray Mare’s Tail” Waterfall but unfortunately it wasn’t falling! Still a pleasant short walk in the forest at the top of St Marys Pass.
Our main objective for the day was to climb South Sister, one of two main peaks to the North of the township and the one which carries all the communications towers for the district. A Four wheel drive track takes you the last (almost) 2km from the gravel forestry road to a small parking area at the base of the Telstra tower and then a rocky path of rough steps, with a handrail, takes you a further 250m to the highest points. As you climb the summit is in sight and the views open up all around. The images speak for themselves: