Our last “outing” from Mt Field was to the various walking tracks in the Styx Forests. We start here with abrief look at the “Carbon Circuit”, a walking trail created by the Wilderness Society to show the diverse vegetation in this ancient forest area. We didn’t walk the whole circuit, which is 2.8km, but explored just the downhill section at the northern side.
The second short stop is at the bridge over the Styx River from which you can see where the South Styx flows into the main river.
Styx River Bridge and junction.007 12h11m13s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.007 12h11m13s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.002 12h05m53s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.002 12h05m53s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.003 12h07m39s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.003 12h07m39s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.005 12h09m07s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.005 12h09m07s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.006 12h10m03s2020 01 27
Styx River Bridge and junction.006 12h10m03s2020 01 27
The main walk in the Styx Forest, and the one signposted from the Gordon River Road, is the Big Tree Walk. This section of the Styx Forest was significantly saved from logging by the early activities of the Wilderness Society and others as it contains many of Tasmania’s oldest and tallest trees. These are Eucalyptus Regnans known locally as Swamp Gum or Mountain Ash and many are well in excess of 80m tall. The tallest tree is actually more to the East accessed from the upper reaches of the Huon Valley area and tops out at around 99.7m.