May 20-21, 2021
Leaving Ilfracombe our route took us through Longreach and then via WInton to refuel and then due West to Boulia. The Winton Road to Boulia is sealed but much of it is only single lane so approaching Road Trains are to be respected! There are a lot of wider sections, both where there are extensive floodways and specifically created for passing.
We travelled almost 300km for the day and stopped at the Poddy Flat Rest Area (pictured), about 90km West of Winton; that left us with a similar distance to cover the following day into Boulia. “

We camped at Poddy Flat behind the drive-through road and at the Eastern end is a picnic shelter on a raised lookout point with a magnificent 360 degree view. with much of the areas surrounded by Spinifex That evening we were treated to a great sunset.

The journey from there to Boulia is punctuated by stretches of totally flat country and beautiful ridges and small valleys with the road climbing through them; a lookout about halfway provides a spectacular view of the surrounding country.