September 25-29, 2021
Timber Creek is the only “township” between Katherine and the NT/WA border and as such provides choice of two Caravan Parks. We stayed at the Wirib which is also the local store and owned by the local indigenous corporation. Next door the hotel also offers a Caravan Park and both have fuel.
The park here backs onto the creek and has all the usual amenities plus secured access via a locked gate; the store is very well stocked for all general items and they even have their own small bakery operation making fresh loaves daily and their own hamburger buns.
Timber Creek lies only a short distance from the Victoria River and a couple of short drives down the highway get you to two locations right on the river. Another side road leads up to the ridges above the town to the South with views across the river basin and the town – seen here:
More views from the lookout road, and on the way to the top, the Nackeroos Memorial

A short drive from the lookout turnoff is the radio to Gregory’s Tree on the banks of the Victoria River; the site where the explorer and his party camped, bringing in supplies via the river