Above: The Ulladulla Lighthouse at Warden Head as seen from Ulladulla Head at the opposite side of the harbour.
July 9, 2020
Ulladulla offers two areas of walking tracks at both sides of the town and harbour. To the South is Warden Head and the Lighthouse with a circular trail heading North along the coastline and looping back to rejoin the access road; a little to the South is another lookout at Parson Street which was our first stop; there is a trail between this and the access to Warden Head which we chose not to walk through but did explore briefly from the lighthouse end.
Here from Parson Street overlooking Rennies Beach is the general view and some surfing action:

Warden Head Walks and Lighthouse; here we travel anti clockwise around the headland and finish by taking a brief look to the Southern side.
To the South of the Ulladulla Harbour is Ulladulla Head and an (almost) figure of eight walking trail “One Track For All”. This represents cultural changes over time with carved panels representing various changes, not just for the indigenous community but also changes since white occupation such as the gradual shrinking and disappearance of the dairy and timber industries etc. Views range from the coast to the North through to back to the town itself. These images are not captioned and the journey is self explanatory (including the RAAF Helicopter)