September 19, 2024
A few extras here from our 5 days at Mullewa. This was the Northern most point in our 3 week Wildflower trail and we extended the visit to allow for fitting a temporary water pump after ours failed, and to replace the links on the Landcruiser’s rear sway bar, both tasks accomplished in the last two days (Tuesday and Wednesday).
During our return from Pindar on Tuesday we visited the Old Pioneer Cemetery which operated from 1895 to 1954; unfortunately, many early burials were not catalogued so many graves are unknown. A photo gallery here reveals both infant deaths and someone at the ripe old age of “93 and a half”. Click on the image for the photo gallery.
After our walk around the Bushland Trail and Railway Heritage Loop today (Thursday) we stopped in at the Helen Ansell Gallery for an excellent coffee and muffin and walked back through town to the Caravan park.