Wuruma Dam and Free Camp005 2015 09 15Wuruma Dam and Free Camp005 2015 09 15


Sept. 21 (Monday)

Wuruma Dam – Well, after being here for a week by tomorrow we can see why this is on everybody’s’ list of best free camps! We got ourselves a waterfront spot when we arrived and have the awning only 2 metres from the water’s edge.


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We have had lots of space around us despite school holidays starting this week. There is a local who brings supplies out here on a regular basis (weekly all year, twice Easter to Sept, and 3 times in school hols.). He also carries a 1000l water tank and we refilled for only $10 on Saturday which will see us through to (probably) leaving Thursday.

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The dam is stocked with fish including barramundi but everybody here sets traps(nets) for the Redclaw freshwater crayfish including the couple who have been our neighbours for most of our stay, Tom and Cheryl from Bray Park.  Tom is here heading out in his Porta Bote, folding boat.

As well as the multitude of bird life here there are cattle grazing and sometimes you just have to share your space (right).

Yesterday we drove back into Monto (100km round trip) for groceries and laundromat (and empty toilet cassette). Small toilet block here and some non potable water. With a small pump and the right filters you can easily take water from the dam but we aren’t yet equipped for that. Something else to buy along the caravanning way!

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There are several hundred metres of shoreline for camping here, around a small peninsula and we are at the North Eastern end of it; you can walk all the way around as well as along the shoreline away from the campground.  Our spot facing north is the best spot for maximum sun for the solar panels, and the best spot for all the birdlife.  Below is a gallery of bird photos.

Will be sorry to leave here after 10 days, will definitely be back, great sunsets here as well!

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Photo gallery of the dam and camping area hosted on Image Shack and a separate gallery of the birdlife that abounds here; click on the Links or images:


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