Old Liffey School.042 07h54m49s2019 03 01Old Liffey School.042 07h54m49s2019 03 01


February 27-28, 2019

After Bishopsbourne just a short drive to Liffey, famous for the nearby falls, and a community provided free camping area at the Old Liffey School.  We were welcomed by local farmer Lindsay who opened up the school for us to look at the memorabilia and told us some of the local history.  The photo below tells the history of the school which closed in 1943 and deteriorated for many years before being fully restored and now run by a local comitte and used by several groups as well as offering free camping, although a donation can be made (which we did for our two night stay).

Old Liffey School.016 -10h15m30s2019-02-27

Old photographs show early students (including Lindsay’s father) and some reproductions of documents from the early days including school inspector;s reports about the early teacher, Mr. Bottomley “just as eccentric as ever”!

Lindsay has multiple animals around the place and we were aware on our last morning of the geeese passing through our Awning area on the way back to the side paddock wo join the horses and cattle (and sheep – not in the picture)

We could easily have stayed here longer and Lindsay even offered a riverside spot in his paddock but we decided to move on after a visit to the falls (next post); the view of the Great Western Tiers from here is hard to ignore.

Great Western Tiers from Liffey School

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