Oct 21-28
After 3 days at Babinda, during which we never saw the top of the surrounding mountains (Queensland’s hihgest) we moved on towards Cairns. Not needing to see much of Cairns itself (having visited about 12 years ago and “done the tourist things” ) we stayed at Fishery Falls Caravan Park, about 35km South and at a lower cost than the parks in Cairns.
This is a great mid sized park with lots of room now the season is over, and walking access to the actual falls up the hill alongside. This is a closed road for access only by Cairns Water but the Caravan Park has a permission arrngement or guests to walk the track, about 1.4km to the falls.
The creek flowing over the falls continues down the hillside and through the Southern side of the Caravan Park, right alongside the open tent camping area of the Park.
While here we did take a trip into Cairns city to sort out transferring our other phone from Boost to Telstra (not without some issues!) pick up some shopping, get Tess clipped and for Frances visit Spotlight of course! Another shorter trip before leaving took Tess to the Vet and shopping again for the next few days supplies.