May 26th, Tuesday
Finally left on Sunday morning after a Pizza night Saturday and a gathering around the fire on Friday – yes you do need a fire in Alice when it was heading for a -1 night! After leaving before breakfast we first stopped at the Tropic of Capricorn Rest Area to catch up on the day’s start:. Finally persuaded Frances to try towing and she did the next stretch all the way to Wycliffe for a refuelling stop.

From there we kept going past the Devil’s Marbles (again), past Barrow Creek and through Tennant Creek to The Pebbles where we had stayed on the way South. With both of us driving a very respectable 535km for the day!

Monday morning we set off to Breakfast at the first Rest Area, then Frances drove again to refuel at Barkly Roadhouse (even passing opposing Road Trains) and so on to overnight back at Camooweal Lagoon. Another 465km day!