Blackbutt SG06Blackbutt SG06

Have a nice spot here at Blackbutt, almost to ourselves now after the first night (2 others). We have been told there is going to be a cattle auction here on Friday which will be interesting, never been to a cattle auction before. We were invited over to Laurie and Carmel’s (Axel’s parents) house as we didn’t get much of an opportunity to chat when we met at Laura and Axel’s wedding back in February. And his parents live only about 14ms from here at Yarraman so we have had a nice trip up to see them. They treated us to a lovely morning tea and even babysat the dogs which allowed us to go off in the afternoon and do some shopping undogencumbered! Tess managed to behave herself apart from putting their dog (they have 2) in it’s place once, but they managed to co-habit for the afternoon. I’m doubtful to leave them at first and amazingly they have been fine I’m most impressed. They were really kind to us and have invited back for dinner tomorrow, hope we weren’t too boring, they have a converted bus and have done some traveling too so we have more things in common. Especially offering to put up with us for another night.

Blackbutt SG06

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