Adventure Bay.025 14h03m06s2019 11 29Adventure Bay.025 14h03m06s2019 11 29

November 29, 2019

Adventure Bay is Bruny Island’s only township as such with the larger of two stores and fuel and the Island’s only Caravan Park. It has the largest number of houses anywhere on the Island although, as with many Tasmanian Coastal Communities, the majority are holiday homes and holiday rental cottages. Here on the main road we have an old beachfront cottage, built in vertical board style and opposite the contrast of a modern garage with solar panels.

Below is the Southern part of the beach from opposite the Caravan Park.

Approaching Adventure Bay the first view you get is approaching Coal Point where limited coal mining was carried out for a few years in the 1880s as per the informative sign. This gave rise to the beginning of a formal settlement here.

The Captain Cook Holiday Park is so named because this is where the good captain came ashore for water in 1777 although another of Cook’s fleet named the bay in 1773 after their own ship the HMS Adventure. A memorial to Cook stands at the small point between two beaches at the Southern end of the bay.

Opposite the Caravan Park a path leads to the beach with views across to the Tasman Peninsula in the distance. To the Northern end is a secluded cove and small beach where a few locals store their dinghys and a hobicat, this spot is only accessible on foot at low tide or by water at high tide.

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