March 11-13, 2019
Needing to shop and do laundry we stopped at Burnie for a couple of days at the Council operated RV Stop. This is free but you have to register as there is a 48 hour limit and the Council Ranger checks every weekday morning. Right on the sea front it can get a little windy but has a great view.
It was so windy yesterday (Tuesday) that we had to take our laundry down and roll back the awning and go back to the Laundromat to use the dryer!
On the way back from the laundromat we found the Burnie North Lookout which has great views across the port and City Centre.
We seemed to fill in the whole day yesterday with shopping, laundry, getting lpg and visiting Centrelink to check on the delay in Frances pension application – just another little glitch along the way; apparently it had been placed on hold!
Below: More of the Cooee Point Camping Area