August/September 2018
From our last camp at Edward River Bridge we travelled only 40kms North to the town of Deniliquin, famous for the annual Ute Muster which is later this month. A town of about 8000 “Deni” has everything in goods and services and seems to be a thriving rural centre; it has several Caravan Parks but also this free camp inside the Murray Regional Park. This is run by NSW National Parks but not being a fully declared NP you can bring your dogs in here; in fact it is obviously THE dog walking area of town with dozens walking past us every day!
We are only 2km by road from the town centre and about the same via a walking path along the river. There are water taps just outside the Park at the local Showground and Oval so we have refilled our water twice via our containers to stay here longer. No toilets here but a Dump Point cross the river, about a 4km drive to empty the cassette.

A real variety of bird life here with Wrens, Cockatoos, Galahs, Rosellas, Choughs..and of course Kookaburras, one of which swooped in yesterday to sit on one of our chairs and then – See Video.
Ater this we gave it it’s own piece of bread the next day and the day after it came down to sit in front of us for a little more.
Monday/Tuesday as I write this so we plan to leave maybe Friday for a short drive North, maybe stopping at Conargo, only about 30km away, for 2 or 3 days.