Ipswich SHowgrounds008 4.42 PM20 Feb 18 1Ipswich SHowgrounds008 4.42 PM20 Feb 18 1


Top – Our new Double Kayak

February 21, 2018

Leaving Uralla we allowed the whole weekend to get to Ipswich in order to make Frances’ Dentist appointment on Monday afternoon. All was going well until, entering Glen Innes, we had a sudden scraping sound from behind!

This turned out to be the front water tank under the van which had suffered a weld failure of the left hand mounting bracket and the tank and stone shield were dragging along the road!

The end which had fallen was not the output end and the tank was full!  This meant putting a jack under the tank, releasing the other side (after removing all the hoses) and then knocking the jack out to let the tank drop; all at the side of the New England Highway!

Keith under the van on the New England highway
Keith under the van on the New England highway
Tank finally released and dropped to drain
Tank finally released and dropped to drain
Finally the tank is off!
Finally the tank is off!

After this incident we decided to stop at the nearby Fossicker Caravan Park for the night and then drive straight through to Ipswich Showgrounds on Sunday.

Ipswich Showgrounds was reasonably busy (as usual) but we had lots to do in 3 or 4 days. The resident Butcher bird family were a little persistent with one juvenile sharing Frances’ Muesli!

Think I'll Try This
Think I’ll Try This
Thank You!
Thank You!

We had ordered a double Kayak and had to collect that as well as shop for PFDs and other items.  In addition we now had to remount the water tank.  All was accomplished by Wednesday night in the end.

Unwrapping our Kayak
Unwrapping our Kayak
Strapping On!
Strapping On!
Loaded and Ready
Loaded and Ready


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