Kuranda025 2.09 PM29 Oct 17Kuranda025 2.09 PM29 Oct 17


Oct 28-

Kuranda015 -3.04 PM28-Oct-17

Kuranda is well known as THE destination out of Cairns with the scenic railway running visitors up here every day and the option of the Skyrail cable car system (We did both in about 2004 during a short visit).  Full of Tourist shops and 2 lots of markets it is nice and quiet now the season is over.  Officially we are now (November) in the “Wet” season here in the tropics but right here we have so far missed the coastal showers that Cairns had last week, and the storms and hail at Atherton.

The only Caravan Park here is very tropical and lush with vegetation as you would expect and we are constantly in the company of bush turkeys and the amazing Beachstone Curlews that we first came across north of Townsville.  They are strange birds who move very slowly and often stand so still in the gardens that you don’t notice them, they appear more like garden ornaments.

Mostly after dark, but occasionally during the day they make the most erie shrieking noises (See our video from Kurrimine Beach).  We found out the other day that they respond very quickly to a Kookaburra calling and break out in response!

Kuranda002 -1.14 PM28-Oct-17_HDR

Kuranda007unb -2.37 PM28-Oct-17_SHARPEN projects

Barron Falls is a must see while here and we are making that a separate post with video.

Kuranda022 -11.01 AM29-Oct-17

Kuranda021 -11.00 AM29-Oct-17

From the Park here you can walk through the bush and via the railway line into the village and/or along the river bank via the station.  This is the railway West of the station and only carries the Savannahlander train which runs outbound on Wednesday morning (about 8.30) and returns on Staurday afternoon (about 4.30).  This is the sister train to the Gulflander which runs between Normanton and Croydon in the Gulf; both are railcars like the one we saw in the Railway Museum at Mount Morgan.

Kuranda008 -2.47 PM28-Oct-17_HDR

Kuranda010 -2.49 PM28-Oct-17

Kuranda017 -3.14 PM28-Oct-17

Kuranda012 -3.01 PM28-Oct-17_HDR


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