September 18, 2019
The Lagoon itself lies behind the dunes to the South of the camping area and is refreshed by the sea at high tide. In the header picture above the channel meanders across the beach and is eroded by the tidal flow (left).

We also saw a little more bird life this week, finally identifying the Little Wattlebird that has been singing to us all week but was hard to spot. Also around the camping area were Eastern Rosellas, a couple of Welcome Swallows and the ever present Fairy Wren. On the beach were Silver Back Gulls and Pacific Gulls which we previously saw at Burnie.

By the end of the weekend our camping area in which we were the only camper when we arrived had swelled to around nine with more towards the other end of the Campground. One of those who joined us overnight were Russell and Kerry from nearby St Marys in this gorgeously restored 1951 Ansair Clipper (yes 68 years old!). They have previously ventured as far as Alice Springs to the Transport Hall of Fame in 2005 with other Clipper owners.

..and so we leave Lagoons Beach for a few days in Bicheno .. our next Post