January and February: A catch up on the balance of our Summer.
After the Christmas and New Year frivolities and then the heavy rain we sort of got back to normal for here. Dallas back from leave (Dallas is the only full time employee and basically runs the Ghan museum and tea rooms in the (winter) season, off season he does a lot of maintenance work around the place) and still no other volunteers we continued as before. We have just about got the gardens under control, most of the sprinkler systems fixed and weeding and pruning done, Keith worked with Dallas on a couple of projects including the ongoing construction of the new shed next to our van.
In the first “session” we got all the Purlins on the roof with Dallas doing the work on top and Keith operating the Forklift. A little later we had a new volunteer couple, Keith and Kay, and Keith helped to fix the roof sheeting.

We continue to see more of the baby Goannas (Parente) and the early ones are growing. They are quite unperturbed by people and walk through our annex, under the chairs etc. and mostly Tess ignores them (fortunately – although they can run faster than her!)

With the hot summer weather all the different insects abound, especially in the evening. We get multiple varieties of beetles, Moths and Grasshoppers etc. These are just a selection:
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Alice Springs Insects