September 24, 2024
.. and so onwards to our third rock of the “batch”, this time to Xantippe “Zan-tip-e”, he only locality in Australia that starts within X but doesn’t have a separate postcode, it was never a town but a farming district with the Rock and tank providing the first water supplies. Like others in the wheatbelt a rock retaining wall was constructed around the base of the rock to channel water, this time into a pipeline to the tank below.
Good camping spots here on the way in around 500m before the tank and we had two other vans fro the night.
Still a good display of wildflowers and shrubs here with some new finds for us.

We took a walk to the tank and then a circle around the rock, there are no defined paths here so it’s a “pick your own route”. Click on the map for a full photo gallery