Wongi State Forest012 2014 05 30Wongi State Forest012 2014 05 30

May 29 to June 2

Wongi State Forest Camp Ground, QLD.

Another stay in a Forest Camp Ground, this one about 25km NW of Maryborough.  We had a bit of confusion getting in there when the GPS lost the road we should have been on but a couple of signs helped; we actually took the wrong tunoff from the highway!

Great little spot in the trees with waterholes all around the area including right along the edge of the campground; Toilets here but no water (non potable do not use!).

The photos tell the story, lots of birdlife here as well; we had one fairly wet day and lots of cloud, not much sun over the 4 days.  This at least proved that we don’t have a power problem even with minmal Solar charge.

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Wongi Waterholes Gallery

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