Weethalle.018 13h57m56s2018 09 24Weethalle.018 13h57m56s2018 09 24

September 22-24, 2018

Above: Weethalle Silo Art

Leaving Barellan on Wednesday we spent three nights at the Griffith Tourist Caravan Park so that Tess could have three teeth removed and give her a day to get over the surgery and make sure there were no after effects.  At 16 anything could happen to a small dog with other health issues!

Griffith Tourist Caravan Park.003 15h35m12s2018 09 21
Griffith Tourist Caravan Park.003 15h35m12s2018 09 21

From Griffith we decided to head over to Weethalle (pron. wee-thal-ee) where there is yet another painted Silo; this one done in 2017 by Heesco Khosnaran and using a typically rural theme of a farmer examining his crops and a shearer on the boards.  A neat addition is the image of sheep in the pens utilising the central gantry area of the silos.

Weethalle Showgrounds2
Weethalle Showgrounds2

grounds camping here was much more popular than Barellan, chiefly because Weethalle is on a more major road being the Mid Western Highway.  We had other caravans every night of our three day stay here and took a walk around the town.  Like many small towns there is now only a Hotel and local store left to service the community; plus a gift shop and roadhouse for the traveller.

Weethalle.003 11h23m13s2018 09 23
Weethalle.003 11h23m13s2018 09 23

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