Another Lagoon Beach, this one on the Western side of the Tasman Peninsula. A walking track leads from the Lime Bay campground across the tip of the peninsula here. Along the way are glimpses of Sloping lagoon, at present completely dry; several native species are in flower at present and being under the Southern approach path to Hobart Airport we also had Qantas flying by overhead.
Eventually the track emerges behind rather large sand dunes which are criss crossed with Wombat trails and over the top reveals the view

We walked a short distance along the beach to get more views of the cliffs ahead and along the way the few sea birds that were around; from there we decided to recross the dunes and return via the lagoon bed as there were tracks shown on our mapping from the top back to the campground. The dunes here were crisscrossed with Wombat trails, and here obviously a mother and a young one judging by the size of the footprints.